If you are blogging in your spare time , it can seem impossible. You are already struggling just to publish a post every day, and sometimes you can not even manage that . You want to work on your SEO , twitter following and relationships with popular bloggers , but you also have a job, family, friends - tasks that are just more important.
And so we ask ourselves: you should just keep doing the best you can ?
Or is there a strategy that you can use that does not require so much time ?
I began researching the answer to this question about a year ago , and after working with more than 50 bloggers , trying different things , I think I've found one.
As it turns out , the answer is not more to do . It is less to do .
Let me explain ....
Step 1 : Publish only one blog post per week
Anyone who tells you publish a blog post every day?No one , as far as I can tell. It is exactly what everyone is doing , and so most of us assume it is the only way to do it .But it is not.
If you are strapped for time , there's nothing wrong with cutting back on the number of posts you publish each week. Might even be grateful your readers . Most people have to read so much that they do not have time to keep up with all your blog posts , and they feel bad about it . By cutting back , so you stay it easier for them , one participant.
So how many posts you should publish , exactly?
There is no set number , but here's a suggestion: you start with a really good post per week , and if you have time , working your way up.
The key word is "good." A well written, well thought out blog post you can get more links and traffic than hundreds of hurried ones. Some authors are faster than others , but generally , if you spend less than two hours on most of your posts , you are probably too fast. Cut the quantity and focus on quality .
By itself, this is often double or triple your traffic. But it also does something else: it frees up time to focus on the promotion .
Step 2 : Publish a guest post per month on popular blogs
As you have probably seen , there are hundreds of strategies for promoting a blog . In an ideal world , they would all you can use , digging to get dozens of channels for traffic flowing in.There is only one problem : you do not live in an ideal world. Nor I.
Even if you were working on your blog full-time with a dozen staff to help you , you could not do anything.
So do not try . Instead, focus on a strategy , and really good on them .
My advice : start with guest blogging.
Here's why : from pretty much every other traffic strategy Depends on you , the connections.
To make SEO work , you will need links from trusted websites. To make twitter work, you need to get retweets from people who have many followers . To make social bookmarking work, you need connections to social media power users who can bring dozens or even hundreds of votes .
And that 's hard when you're a beginner , because you do not have one of these compounds .
In my opinion, it's much much easier to find relationships with influential people first, and then use those connections to fuel the other strategies.
If you just publish a guest post per month for popular blogs at the end of the year , you are compounds with twelve very influential people who can help you get your blog did grow . This is not going to give 100,000 subscribers all by itself . But it will give you a nice foundation , and it is one that you can build.
Step 3: Slowly start doing more posts and promotions
Once you start first results, I think you will find it is much easier to expand your efforts.Everyone is more motivated to find something that works to work . If you land a guest post on a great blog and pick up a few hundred subscribers , you will not have to be quite as strong push to work on your next post. You want to do it , and that makes blogging much more fun.
You also have the connections you need to start slowly try some other transport strategies . For example you could :
• Publish a special piece of content, such as a free report or video, and use your connections to links from popular blogs to get (Here is a free guide on how to do that) , then .
• Create a following on Twitter to promote your posts, and then strategically make a post viral (Here is a free guide on how to do that too) .
• Choose to receive a search phrase that gets hundreds of thousands of searches per month , and use your connections to trusted connections ( The tutorial comes this Friday ) .
By themselves , none of these strategies are new. Anyone who has for more than a few months blogging has probably dreams about attracting links , building a twitter following, and get a first page ranking on Google.
The difference is, you will actually be able to do it .
Cut your reservation plan is the free time you have to work on the promotion, and guest blogging will give you the connections you need in order to pull off.
It is a very simple system , but it is also one that gives you everything you need a reasonable amount of time while investing .
Is the system perfect?
In fact, it has one serious flaw:
Is not it always a guest post pretty hard on a popular blog?Yup , it can be.
With audience numbering in the tens or even hundreds of thousands , popular bloggers are rightly cautious about the quality of the content that you post. Frequently, they also have a lot to do bloggers voluntarily guest posts , so the competition stiff.
But it is not impossible. New bloggers do it regularly here at Copyblogger and many other popular blogs.
There is no reason why you can not do . You just need a few tips and tricks to help you get started .
Check out the videos for free GuestBlogging.com
If you have not seen the GuestBlogging.com videos, they shoulderstand check from you .
They are free , and they have some of the most powerful strategies that I 've learned my included when writing for Copyblogger and building popular blogs own . So far thousands of people have signed up for them, and many say it is one of the best blogging advice ever published.
The bad news is that I am, take down everything.
Nop, it's not because I 'm the King of the mean. ( Even if I am. )
It's because next week, I 'm the doors to a new training program I put together the . Especially for people who are seriously set about building a popular blog I'll leave the video for over a week , but once the workout begins , I'm going down among them, the members 100 % of my attention.
I will probably be released at some point , but I'm not sure when , and I did not want the Copyblogger readers to miss . So if you are looking for a strategy that you can implement without a lot of connections in your spare time , you should to take a look .
It is not the only strategy for building a popular blog . But if you're strapped for time , I think it will work well for you .
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