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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Landing Page Optimization

Landing page optimization for PPC is the process of creating well-designed pages for PPC visitors and optimizing each element on the page to maximize the percentage of visitors who complete the desired goal. The ultimate goal of PPC landing page optimization is on the side that grip better your target audience so that you can build drive through paid search more leads.

In a nutshell , landing page optimization leads to more conversions , which increases the ROI of your PPC marketing campaigns. Engaging in Landing Page Optimization has two primary benefits to your business :

• PPC Leads: If your AdWords landing pages follow best practices , you will perform more of your clicks conversions. That's what PPC is !
• Better Quality Score : Targeted , well-designed landing pages , better quality factor because they are more aligned with the intention viewfinder. This helps you because higher quality factors lead to better rankings and lower advertising expenses .

It is clear that landing page optimization is important for Search Engine Marketing ( SEM) , but that does not mean it's easy.

Optimizing landing pages for relevance is a complicated process , the uncertain results. Conditions for an optimized PPC landing page are :

• A strong headline that is relevant to your PPC keywords and ad text and forces the visitor to stay with you.
• Clean, attractive design that looks trustworthy and professional and is consistent with your brand.
• Concise, compelling copy that . The value of what you offer communicates.
• A user-friendly form that does not scare users not removed.
• An eye catching , clickable button with a clear call to action.

When the ball on one of these items , you could end up paying for a lot of clicks that never make into high quality leads.

Unfortunately, optimizing your landing pages can be time - and resource-hungry . To do the job properly , you usually need a graphic designer, developers and other IT resources , as well as a hosting environment. There are so many possible bottlenecks that many advertisers end up sending PPC traffic to their website - a huge no-no for conversion rate optimization!

But with smart landing page software that allows you create and optimize landing pages on your own, quickly and easily , without the help of IT team . Here is how .

New! Try WordStream is free Landing Page Grader tool . Discover how your current landing page performs and learn how it can be improved .

WordStream the Landing Page Workflow: Build better optimized landing pages

The good news is WordStream takes the guesswork out of the landing page generation. Landing Pages and lines , a robust feature within PPC consultant set contains a Landing Page Builder that will guide you through the process of creating and optimizing landing pages for PPC. Best Practices are built so that you know that your landing pages are optimized for PPC success.

Landing Pages and lines is easy to use and gets the job done :

• It is complete: you can not build landing pages in AdWords , forcing you to jump between different applications in order to complete the puzzle PPC. But PPC Advisor is a start-to- PPC management solution with all the tools you need to get started in PPC and then cross the finish line conversion . We also offer a ready-to -use hosting environment , while still using the publish you own subdomain .
• It is simple landing pages and lines allows you to create, edit, and publish effective PPC landing pages , with a step - by-step wizard without needed the involvement of your IT team . It's fast and easy.
• It is PPC -Specific : Landing Pages and pipes is specially designed for PPC. It bakes into best practices for PPC landing page layout and design, so that each page that you create is optimized for quality score and conversions.
Now let's take a look at the steps to achieve a better landing page optimization .

Optimize your landing pages with WordStream

Step one : Optimize Your Landing Page Theme

First, define the look and feel of your landing page. Topic of your page should be coordinated with the rest of your website , strengthen your brand.

Personalize your landing page to match your brand through :

• The choice of a color palette and background color
• Upload a company logo
• Select a picture for your main landing page

Step Two : Optimize Your Landing Page Content

Write The content ( title and body text ) that will appear on your page The purpose of this content is to describe the benefits and / or features of your offer so that your prospect to want to perform the desired action.

Some visitors will only read the title , so be sure to have a strong headline , write clearly relevant to your keywords and ad text. Google searches for relevance between these three elements in determining the quality factor. For the body , write clear, concise copy that is the unique benefits of your offer in conjunction , so that the users want to take the next step .

Step three : Optimize Your Landing Page Form
The shape is one of the most important elements on the target page. By optimizing the landing page form you can significantly increase your conversion rates.

Use to create the Landing Page Builder provides an individual landing page form , from the header to the 
footer :

• Select the fields that you include and which fields are required , including standard fields and custom fields. Remember, though, that adding more fields are lead you more information, but can reduce your conversion rates , as visitors tend less inclined to fill out to be long forms .
• Select a call to action for the form button - Users Say what they get when they fill out the form - for example, " Get My Free Guide . "
• Create a thank you page that users see after clicking on the button. You can upload an asset , such as a sheet of white paper , and add in your conversion code so that you can track finished form .

Step Four : Optimize Your Landing Page Settings

Finally, optimize your landing page settings, including :

• Your landing page URL
• Analytics code and scripts (you can track traffic to your landing page )
• Your target page footer , including all required links , like a link to your company website

Once you have completed the setup process, you can save your new landing page as a draft, in the preview, or publish it with one click.

Your final destination page might look like this :

It 's that simple!

Try the WordStream Landing Page Optimization Tool free!

WordStream Landing Page Builder is simple, but powerful tool. Use WordStream , more compelling and better optimized landing pages that you create save time and money . Due to the increase in productivity and more sales and leads to lower costs Sign up for a free trial .

Let Services: Is your landing page with an A or F ?

WordStream AdWords Landing Page Grader is a free tool that makes it easy , the performance of your landing pages and shows where you can measure improvement . The AdWords Landing Page Grader evaluates landing pages to the most important criteria , including:

• Lead - form optimization
• Proper header tags
• Unique landing pages for individual campaigns
• Mobile Landing Page Optimization
• Recording a clickable phone number
• Conversion Rates

The AdWords Landing Page Performance Grader with valuable information you provide in increasing conversion rates and ensure that your landing pages are set for optimum performance is packed aid. Best of all, the AdWords Landing Page Performance Grader is absolutely free! What do you have to lose? Try it today!
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Posted By: Shahriar Hasan


Zinavo Tech on March 30, 2015 at 6:24 AM said...

Landing page optimization is the major ON page techniques to get the good result in search engine optimization.
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